USES: Selective harbicide for the control of broadleef weeds in: asparagus, barley, corn, grasses, hay, millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, sugarcane, wheat, fallow land, pasture, rangeland, turf, and noncrop areas for postemergent control of annual mustard, Canada thistle, dandelion, lambsquarters, ragweed, etc. Some formulations for pine release, waterhyacinth control and prevention of seed formation; double-gee, wild radish, turnip, and other broadleaf weeds in cereals. Many broadleaf crops (cotton, grapevines) are extremely sensitive. 2,4 D for control of water weeds in lakes and ponds. For Citrus plantations 2,4 D is used in lemon packinghouses to keep buttons alive and healthy; prevents preharvest drop of mature citrus.
2,4-D amine
2,4 D-amine salt
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic ac
White powder. Type of formulation L.C.